I am Rosa Parks by Brad Meltzer


I am Rosa Parks 

Written by: Brad Meltzer 

Illustrated by: Chris Eliopoulos 

Originally Published in: 2014 

I am Rosa Parks is a book in the 'Ordinary People Change the World'  series. This book follows Rosa Parks throughout her life. The story starts off as Rosa is pushed on a sidewalk by a white boy. She pushes the boy back and stands up for herself to the parent of the boy, who then leaves her alone. The story goes on and Rosa explains to the reader all the unfair things that go on in Birmingham, Alabama. Black people have different water fountains, bathrooms, elevators, and many other things. The book climaxes when Rosa refuses to give up her seat on the city bus, as she was already sitting in the black section. As we know, she goes on to get arrested and this causes a series of movements. Black people eventually receive 'equal rights' and can go to the same schools and live in the same neighborhoods. 

This book is probably targeted towards grades kindergarten-3rd grade. This would be a great book to open up the discussion to black people's rights in America. The information in the book is presented in a simple enough way that even young children would be able to understand its concepts, as it's very easy to understand. It emphasizes the importance of standing up for what's right in your heart. This book and the struggles Rosa faced may be something children of color can relate to. And for those who cannot relate, it will open up that discussion as to why they don't have those same struggles. Although we know the events in the story highlight huge progress, there's still a lot more work to do for black people to truly have equal rights. 

Other information: 

I am Rosa Parks is a Children's Picture & Nonfiction book. 

Meltzer, B., & Eliopoulos, C. (2014). I am Rosa Parks. New York: Dial Books. 


Read Aloud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tela42pi2uk 
